About ARAPAC and the dinner & auction

Vital to the success of ARA advocacy efforts is strong member support for ARA’s Political Action Committee (ARAPAC). The ARAPAC represents agricultural retailers on the federal level and influences decisions made by lawmakers that impact the entire industry.

Richard Gupton, ARA senior vice president of public policy & counsel, emphasizes the importance of ARAPAC in representing ag retailers in DC:

“Supporting a strong ARAPAC helps us support the campaigns of candidates running for Congress who understand the agricultural industry and are willing to advance our policy goals. It also ensures the ag retailers’ political voices are heard.

"The ARA policy staff and members attend political fundraisers to build relationships, raise awareness of key issues impacting our industry, and ensure ag retailers are at the table, not on the menu.”  

The Leaders of Industry are representatives of ARA member companies that opt in at no additional cost to be involved in ARAPAC activities. ARA members must give permission for the ARAPAC to solicit contributions from them by signing up for the free Leaders of Industry membership category. 

ARAPAC’s political activities are made possible because of member support through voluntary contributions that go above and beyond membership dues. All contributions, no matter the size, go to ARA’s efforts in DC to support the ag retail industry.

Dinner & Auction Tickets & Information

The ARA Dinner and Auction is ARA’s largest annual fundraising event for ARAPAC. This year in Houston, the exciting evening will take place at the House of Blues on Dec. 4, from 6:30 to 10:00 P.M. Networking is a huge part of ARA, and this event not only brings together colleagues and other industry members, but it also raises funds for ARAPAC to support the best interests of ag retailers. 

Ryan Burke with MacroSource serves as ARAPAC Committee chair, and he especially enjoys the energy that the annual event brings to life when members from all different companies in the industry come together: 

“I appreciate the camaraderie of serving alongside our retailer members with a common vision and fundraising mission during our ARAPAC events. Naturally, we are a competitive group in the marketplace and some of that bubbles up during the bidding action at the ARAPAC auction.

"It’s all in good spirits as we work toward the common goals of ARA. There’s nothing more satisfying than outbidding a friend for an item on the auction list, knowing it went to support our industry.” 

The House of Blues brings to life the unique culture of the South with food, art, history, and live performances. The vibrant atmosphere will create a lively evening with a delicious buffet and creative cocktails while celebrating the continued success of the ARAPAC. The silent auction will be open during exhibit hall hours and will culminate after the live auction on Wednesday night. There will be roundtrip transportation provided to the House of Blues for this event. 

Tickets for the Dinner and Auction must be purchased separately from your ARA Conference registration with personal funds, per the FEC guidelines. 

NOTE: To participate in the auction and be eligible to bid on items, you must be currently employed by an ARA member company, a US citizen or permanent resident, and signed up for ARA Leaders of Industry. International guests may purchase a ticket to the dinner but cannot purchase any items in the silent or live auctions. 

How to Donate to ARA's Auction

Each year, the ARAPAC receives donations for the live and silent auctions from ARA members, which contributes to the ongoing policy success of the ag retail industry. By donating to the ARA auction, you are supporting all efforts done by ARA on Capitol Hill in impacting the entire ag retail industry.

Companies may donate directly or contribute via corporate check or credit card to ARAPAC, which the association will use to purchase items on your behalf.

Donors will be recognized at the silent auction tables, in the ARA Dinner and Auction Program, and in the 2024 ARA Annual Report. To be recognized in conference signage, marketing materials, and the auction guide, the donation form must be filled out by August 30. 

Popular items to donate include vacation packages, hunting and fishing equipment, event tickets, sports memorabilia, fine wines, and company products. The ARA team greatly appreciates the ongoing support for this yearly event.

Contact Richard Gupton, ARA Senior Vice President, Public Policy & Counsel at richard@aradc.org or (202) 595-1699.